Branch Officer Roles


  1. Chairs Committee meetings and oversees general direction of the branch
  2. Chairs Talks and meets and looks after speakers beforehand. Currently looks after IT arrangements in the venues
  3. Writes annual report for HA and attends annual Branch Officers meeting in November. Provides feedback on this to the Committee


  1. Organises Programme of Talks for the season, in conjunction with other committee members. (starts in New Year) Involves invitations, requests for promotional details of talks, confirmation of details shortly before meetings
  2. convenes AGM, distributing agenda and officers’ reports
  3. Provides completed Programme of talks to Publicity Officer, Historical Association and to Ealing Arts
  4. Organises room bookings with church and Twyford School (October session).
  5. Opens and sets up room on night of talks, maintains book listing attendees, arranges with those organising refreshments. Closes up building afterwards
  1. Writes reports on activities as required annually by the HA, and provides report for AGM
  2. Convenes committee meetings at agreed times with agenda in advance and minutes after
  3. Organises September Brentford Festival booking, rota and tables.
  4. Organises Christmas social


  1. Is responsible for maintaining the accounts of the branch and reporting on these to the Historical Association annually and to the AGM of the branch. Liaises with auditor to approve these.
  2. Receives membership fees either by post or at talks. Passes on details of all new members and membership renewals to Membership Secretary and to Publicity Officer (for email addresses)
  3. Arranges for annual accounts to be audited and to receive grant allocation from HA central
  4. Pays expenses to lecturers on the night and to branch officers when requested
  5. Arranges bank account and cheque signatories


Publicity Officer

Role: To ensure that activities of the branch reach the widest audience through:

  • maintaining branch website
  • regular emails to members and friends. Reminders before meetings
  • Newsletters, twice a year (January and August) using national HA communication

–  contacts with local schools, local (e)newspapers, local organisations and libraries

Membership Officer

Role: To maintain accurate and up-to-date lists of members- local  and national- in conjunction with Treasurer and Publicity Officer).

Regular liaison with National HA on membership, and initiating a welcome communication for new national members

In conjunction with Publicity Officer and Treasurer, to have new member and renewal forms at monthly talks and to take money at these talks from members and visitors.

Communicating membership updates to Treasurer and Publicity Officer (for email details)

To endeavour to retain current local membership and to suggest ways to increase it if possible

Visits Organiser

Following suggestions from committee members, arranges guided visits for members, at least once in each session. Deals with the finances for these visits.

Second-hand Books Organiser

  1. Looks after and stores collection of books and in conjunction with other committee members, requests addition to stock and sorts books for HA Annual Conference (May) and Brentford Festival (September)
  2. Brings selected books to sell at talks sessions